PinnedTreathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinnerinExpress Yourself!Request to ContributeHello! How are you? My name is Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) and I am the editor of Express Yourself! I started contributing articles…Jun 2827Jun 2827
PinnedTreathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinnerinMy Sageuk AddictionNOTICE OF DISCONTINUATION: My Saguek Addiction: May 2024List versus Publication? Dear readers: Be advised that this Medium publication has been discontinued and replaced with a list. Thank you…May 312May 312
PinnedTreathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinnerin❤️ Nothing But Love For Korean DramaFour (4) FAST (Free Ad-Supported Streaming) Platforms to Watch Korean DramasYears ago there were not many streaming platforms to watch Korean dramas for free. But these days lots of platforms offer a wide range of…Sep 6, 202321Sep 6, 202321
PinnedTreathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinnerinILLUMINATIONWhy Wasn’t It That Way All Along?Everybody has an opinion. Here’s mine. A reaction/response to SCOTUS decision to overturn Affirmative Action.Jul 4, 20237Jul 4, 20237
PinnedTreathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinnerinMy Foodie LUVThe Wonderful World of PestoThe recipe for classic pesto that many of us enjoy today can be traced back to ancient Rome. However, many countries have created several…Jun 20, 202014Jun 20, 202014
Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinnerWINNING a presidential election does not automatically indicate a VICTORY FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.No matter who is in the White House and how they got there … as long as the POTUS KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS that WE AREN'T LEAVING … and WE…8h ago8h ago
Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinnerWhen I was in high school (many moons ago), our teacher was teaching us about the Greeks and Romans…I thought: 'We're studying the Greeks and the Romans. Isn't a dragon Chinese? Why did she do a dragon?'2d ago12d ago1
Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinnerYou say there are different ways people use the phrase “3rd World”.But Russia? A 3rd World country? No matter which definition you use for 3r World, the only thing wrong with Russia is that it has a Dark…2d ago2d ago