PinnedPublished inExpress Yourself!A Letter to My Fellow Americans. (An Opinion Piece That’s Probably FACT.)In the hope of saving our beloved country. (This story is NOT paywalled. Read freely.)1d ago21d ago2
PinnedPublished inExpress Yourself!Request to ContributeHello! How are you? My name is Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) and I am the editor of Express Yourself! I started contributing articles…Jun 28, 202431Jun 28, 202431
PinnedPublished inMy Sageuk AddictionNOTICE OF DISCONTINUATION: My Saguek Addiction: May 2024List versus Publication? Dear readers: Be advised that this Medium publication has been discontinued and replaced with a list. Thank you…May 31, 20242May 31, 20242
PinnedPublished inILLUMINATIONWhy Wasn’t It That Way All Along?Everybody has an opinion. Here’s mine. A reaction/response to SCOTUS decision to overturn Affirmative Action.Jul 4, 20237Jul 4, 20237
PinnedPublished inMy Foodie LUVThe Wonderful World of PestoThe recipe for classic pesto that many of us enjoy today can be traced back to ancient Rome. However, many countries have created several…Jun 20, 202015Jun 20, 202015
How does The Mafia BUY politicians? Fact, results, and final revelation pending.Hang on to your quetions.14h ago14h ago
A negotiation tactic for REAL CHANGE?Gimme a break. Everybody knows Trump was just trying to buy a piece of real estate dirt cheap! EVERYBODY!!23h ago123h ago1
This is 2025.There was a wealthy Indian man who returned to India and went into rural villages. He made sure he bought computers for the kids. Do you…1d ago1d ago
Published inMy Foodie LUVBest Drinks for a Growing ChildReaders might think the info provided in this article is like preaching to the choir. But it’s OK to reinforce good advice.4d ago24d ago2