As always, you provide informative and entertaining content to read.
LOL. Trials for a “breach of promise of marriage” were common in Victorian England, while people these days don't want to get to married without a prenup. It's like: Forget that “living happily ever after” stuff! Be prepared for a contract dissolution, right from the start!
I have learned something new. I never heard about this comic opera. I suppose people often need to find humor in a situation in order to help them cope with serious life issues. It may have been intended for humor, but all I could think was that, in real life, a “hypocritical, corrupt judge and a biased jury”, would not be funny at all. Sorry. I couldn't help it. That thought popped into my head and wouldn't go away.
Nevrtheless, you've made me curious about this opera. So I searched and found it on YouTube.