(Bear with me. My comments are long-winded.)
It's not a black or white thing and it's not specifically about abortion. Abortion is just being used because it's a sensitive matter that often involves a person's religious beliefs.
Politicians KNOW this and use the "abortion card" to manipulate people into voting for them. They know most people won't compromise their religion.
Of a truth, they could care less about those beliefs. They just want the VOTE and will get it by any means necessary.
Review the history of this country’s elections. The question of abortion always pops up. Do you know why? Because the politicians KNOW abortion is a DIVISIVE ISSUE. The purpose for causing the DIVIDE is simply to garner the votes from people who might otherwise not vote for them.
I've heard people say: If the candidate supports abortion, I vote for the other candidate who does not. It's their ONLY consideration for choosing who to vote for.
It doesn't matter if that same candidate does NOT support abortion but supports other things that would be detrimental to our liberty.
WHY? Because in that voter's mind, it's about SAVING A HUMAN LIFE. The life is more important than anything else!
Abortion is the straw that can break the camel's back and unscrupulous politicians have been using the “abortion card” for years.
In previous years, abortion was just a hot topic for political discussion and debate. But thanks to the SCOTUS decision, these unscrupulous politicians scored a HUGE VICTORY!! Now they have “bragging rights”. That's why Trump is proud and boasts about “his accomplishment”. HE OVERTHREW ROSE V. WADE. It was him and him alone.
It's like that everywhere, not just in the USA. Putin uses the church in Russia to achieve his political goals. Politicians in India use Hindus against Muslims. Etc.
They say in America there is separation of church and state. But politicians always play up to America's religious beliefs. WHY? Because IT'S NOT SEPARATE. People often vote based on their religious beliefs.
On the outside, you hear the word “abortion”. But it's psychological. That word is being used to prick a person's conscious and aim at their spiritual heart. The serpent is a subtle beast.
As for black woman, and blacks in general, overall quality healthcare (which includes women's healthcare, abortion, or no abortion) has been a human right that has been ignored for years. In our case, the “race card” trumps the “abortion card”.
Whether it's about abortion or any other medical issue, it's an individual human right to see a doctor without the government being in the examination room.
In the immortal words of the comedian Dennis Miller: Of course, this is just my opinion. I could be wrong.