First, let me say to my “soul” sister: There is absolutely NOTHING WRONG WITH YOUR RIGHT-ING. I'm enjoying this conversation with you. Let's continue. (I won't write another article. LOL. I'll contain my babbling in the Comment box.)
One time a Korean guy came to America and started a cult He got kicked out of the country later. But when asked why he came to America to start “his religion”, he said: “Because in America they'll believe anything.”
Yeah. It's easy to dupe a lot of US. However, if you believe that we are all EQUAL no matter what part of the world we live in or where we come from … it's not that easy to lead us by the nose. Living in different regions and having different cultures doesn't make anybody UNEQUAL.
It's UNIVERSAL that all people everywhere want to live a good life.
You can't control when you were born or where you were born. But if you're living in a country that disrespects your human rights, you don't owe them anything. LEAVE!!
As I said: Don't focus on the WRONG “DIVISION”. The math will never add up!
You have to place yourself at the right starting point and run in the right race to WIN!
Also, it helps to know history. Not just American history. The world's history. Learn about individuals who did certain things and the impact of their actions and decisions on the masses. History is just “old news” that helps you better understand the “new news”.
There were and still are a lot of individuals like Trump who know how to play mind games and manipulate others. There are plenty of people who can be persuaded to join a cult, to their detriment. But WHEN they realize they were fooled, tricked, deceived (IF they ever figure it out), a lot of damage has already been done. But damage does not equal HOPELESS and IRREPARABLE! Correct the math! You can do it!
As they say:
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Yo! What I look like? A JACKA**?