Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!
Published in
1 min readMar 14, 2024


Getting angry is a natural emotion and reaction.

- Taking out your anger on others is NOT!!

- AND …?? And there is no EXCUSE or REASON for you do it!

IF the source of your anger is social media or constant negativity and your anger is a result of that's easy to fix. Don't get on social media AND ignore the negativity. People have “turn off” buttons in their brains!

IF the source of your anger is economic hardship … Do you think you're the ONLY ONE having a hard time?? WELCOME TO THE CLUB!! A lot of people all around the world are experiencing economic hardship. Angrily yelling, screaming, and attacking someone else is not going to fix it!

IF it is a mental health matter, GET HELP! Granted, that might be easier said than done, but it's not impossible to do!

Let me preach a little bit.

When it comes to people thinking they're suffering, they need to look around them: Do you know why? The Bible says: “Nobody is enduring any temptation that isn't COMMON to man.”

COMMON? That means almost EVERYBODY is going through crap!!

Do you think when you see another person smiling, that it's all good? Maybe yes or or maybe no. That's none of your business!

What is your business is you not taking out your anger on another person. That's under YOUR CONTROL.

(OK. I'm done preaching. Great article. Thank you!)

My Observations, Thoughts, Musings, Humor, Etc.

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Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!

Hi! Thanks for visiting. Please come back often. ** Freelance blogger/article writer since 2007. Crypto enthusiast & K-drama lover! What about you?