I have several daughters so I feel compelled to supply you with what I hope are insightful comments. What I say to you I say to them as well.
*** I find your list of what some women said they “valued” in a marriage surprising as well. Actually I find the list to be rather childish and immature. As for people getting married for the wrong reasons, that's nothing new. People have been corrupting the Divine union of the marriage bond ever since they realized that they could twist it and bend it to suit their desires.
This is the definition of marriage: “...a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
Have you any idea of the gravity of that statement and everything that is involved?
It means when you bond with your mate, it's for life and nothing can separate the two of you. You're ONE. Does that mean you give up your individuality or freedom, etc.? Absolutely not. It means you love that person like you love yourself, only you love them MORE! That's the gold standard for marriage.
Do most people these days want that from their marital relationship? Nope! They want to focus on the really important stuff like … Who takes out the trash. (O.o) That's why when faced with real difficulties like job loss or illness, most couples dissolve their relationships. It's not that they can't weather the storm, it's because uuuhhh … that's not what they signed up for!
If you are thinking about getting married, think long and hard. If you're not willing and prepared to love your partner more than you love yourself, then don't bother! Don't bother yourself and don't bother them!
Each day of married life should be precious time spent together. Not precious time wasted. Marriages are made in heaven. Yeah. They really are. But what most people refer to as “marriage” is nothing more than a “relationship of convenience”.
P.S. There is no “luck” involved. But there is a “lot of hard work”.
By the way, if you're not going to sign a marriage license, you better sign something “legal” that protects your rights and your property rights. This is the world we live in. In the blink of an eye, you can wake up and find yourself living on the streets with nothing but the clothes on your back. If you don't believe me, ask a homeless woman why is she on the streets with her baby.