Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!
Published in
1 min readApr 10, 2024


No. I don't wonder why.

All men have mothers. So it stands to reason that all men should protect the rights of women if for no other reason that they owe them their existence.

But the real world ain't like that.

* The UN adopted several conventions that promote women's rights.

* The UN officially recognized International Women's Day in 1977.

* The UN stated that there can be no distinction or discrimination based on gender, including the right to equal pay for work.

Yeah Uh huh. Who listens to the United Nations?

The US spent 20 years in Afghanistan mainly trying to promote the rights of women and girls. They left. The Taliban came back. And 20 years of sincere labor went right down the drain!

The real world is so ugly.

But don't let reality stop you from doing what is right. Keep up the good work, Mr. Champion!!

My Observations, Thoughts, Musings, Humor, Etc.

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Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Express Yourself!

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