Superstition versus Science

An alternate title for these thoughts could be: Science is not the Savior.

Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
3 min readJan 30, 2023


Extracted the 2 two statements below from a short post titled “Science and Superstition” which was published in a social blogging community where I am a member.

#1) “Superstitions have demoralizing effects on men.”

#2) “Fortunately, science has come to our rescue.”

I AGREE with Statement #1) that superstitions do have a demoralizing effect on people. I once heard a story of a tribe that killed a woman’s baby because the first tooth that broke the gum was on the wrong side of the child’s mouth. That was a “bad sign” so they killed the baby! The tribe believed that baby had to die or who knows what horrible things would happen to them if an innocent with a tooth on the “wrong side” of their mouth was allowed to live among them?

But as for Statement #2) that science can rescue of people who believe such things?

Not sure that I am in full agreement with that.

The same people who came up with the superstitions (or who decided to believe superstitions that someone else gets the credit for inventing) could have also taken the time to try to understand what it…



Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner

Written by Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner

Content Writer since 2007. (Occasionally my content might contain affiliate links, meaning income might be earned if you click-thru to the vendor’s website.)

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