There are many horrible and egregious events in history that have been justified, i.e. “made right” by basing the decisions and acts on a religious belief. But Jesus said “Why call me Lord and do not the things that I say?”
If you read the teachings of Christ it will shock you that many events justified in the name of Christianity were never commanded, authorized or even taught by Jesus.
Many disciples were martyred for the cause of Christ. But He never told them to go out and get themselves killed. However, He did warn the disciples they would be persecuted, even unto death.
Also Jesus never forced people to convert and neither did His followers. All they did was preach and teach His message. The choice to obey the gospel was always up to the individual.
The teachings of Christ have not changed since it began. But people have used and still use His name for pernicious reasons to satisfy their lusts for money and power.
How would like it if somebody committed acts of indecency, violence, and crimes using your name?
Jesus Christ is one of the most maligned people in the history of humanity.