Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
1 min readSep 23, 2022


This not a surprise to me. I was born and raised in America and I love to connect with people when I hear a European or Caribbean accent. I'm not being racist, but Asian accents are a bit harsh to my ear. It's just "the sound". (Although I can watch Korean dramas for hours and hours. :) )

My dad and husband both were from The Bahamas. Even from a kid, I noticed people loved to hear my dad speak. When my husband would call me at work, people would remark about how nice his voice sounded. One woman described it as: “very refined, genteel and elegant”.

I was like “WOW! Really?” She got all that just from hearing him ask to speak to me?? LOL. For me, it didn't matter “the color” of the person. When I heard an accent, I immediately became curious and wanted to know more about them.

My final note for this article however is:

It's the 21st century and people still have to avoid racism? WHY does it still even exist? This article is a sad commentary about humanity.



Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner

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